Week 1: Craig: Introduction to Philosophy
WEEK 2: Plato: Allegory of the Cave
WEEK 3 Plato: The Apology (Phil 1 Selection)
Week 3/4 Plato: Crito
Week 4: MLK: Letter_Birmingham_Jail_Highlighted
Week 4: Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics
Bacon: Francis Bacon (READ 1-55 ONLY)
Descartes – Descartes Discourse on Method
Descartes – Meditations
Descartes – DescartesMeditationNotes
Locke – An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Locke – Two Treatise of Civil Government
VIDEO: Intro to Intersectionality – Kimberle Crenshaw
Lugones: Lugones World Traveling
Bell Hooks: BellHooks
Jaewon Cho: short-film-critique-bell-hooks
Hegel : Summary of Hegel
Karl Marx: MarxEngels Manifesto
Foucault: Foucault – Panopticon Selection
Mill: Utilitarianism
Kant – KantExcerpt
Sartre – Existentialism is a Humanism
Hume – Of the Standard of Standard of Taste
Bullough – Psychical Distance